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Medical or Hospital Malpractice Claims

Medical or Hospital Malpractice Claims In Puerto Rico, all health service providers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, hospitals, clinics, etc.) are legally obligated to provide the medical attention required by the applicable standard of care. When the negligence of a health service provider causes damages to a patient, there could be grounds for a medical malpractice claim. In this type of cases, both the patient and his/her loved ones (spouse, children, parents, siblings, etc.) may have the right to receive monetary compensation. Generally, to file a medical malpractice...

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Contingency Basis Litigation

Litigation Services on a Contingency Basis Cognizant of the high costs generally associated with the litigation process as well as of our ethical responsibility to facilitate and promote access to justice, our office offers litigation services on a contingency basis when the particular circumstances warrant it. If you qualify for these services, our office will advance all the expenses and costs that may arise in the litigation process, and you will have the obligation to reimburse them only if monetary compensation is obtained in your case. These services include, but are not limited to,...

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Serious Personal Injuries

In Puerto Rico, the law requires that all citizens refrain from causing personal or property damages to others through negligent acts of omissions. Accordingly, you may have the right to claim monetary compensation if you or a loved one have been harmed by the negligent actions or omissions of a third party. Some of the instances in which the right to claim compensation may arise include the following: Medical or hospital malpracticeAccidents caused by defective productsCar accidents, boating accidents or any other accident involving a motor vehicleSlips and fallsBurnsElectric shocksIllegal...

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